FREE: A Prize Paint Job Painting Guide
Utilising our Industrial Warehouse Sci-Fi kit S009, Gary works step-by-step through how he built and painted the large gaming platform (measuring 21cm x 30cm, with a large open interior). This was painted for a winner of a Sarissa Prize draw, with the fairly open brief of; 'Weathered metal and Graffiti'
Gary Faulkner is head of the design department at Sarissa Precision and both he and the design team work hard to turn ideas and concepts into reality.
He is also responsible for most painted kits on the Sarissa Precision website.This PDF guide comes from a series of award-winning articles on working with MDF for the international magazine Wargames Illustrated, so he knows what he’s talking about. This guide has been created to give you the quickest results with minimal effort whilst using easy-to-source supplies.