This is the CEONIC P250, basically a P320 replica, though designated different. Just FIY though - it is not a P250 replica - it will likewise fit into a hardshell holster intended for the P320. The features are otherwise identical to that of the fully licensed SIG SAUER P320 - exception being that the magazine release spring is a little stiffer, the sights have dots painted on them - particularly two white at the rear and one red at the front.
Otherwise, everything is just about the same. The price tag is a bit lower , although, bear in mind that there is a good reason for that as well...
This pistol comes supplied w/ a flexible hardshell carry case that certain looks as though it would be capable to taking a beating. It likewise is branded "CEONIC" on the top, featuring eggtray foam on the upper inside the case, whilst profile-cut foam on the bottom side. This foam insert allows you to lay the pistol in, in a specific position, and keep it there unmoving. The magazine has such a slot, as does an additional one, which this pistol is not supplied with, but is sold separately. Normally you are supplied a flare tip adapter with, likewise a twisted wire nylon bristle brush. This of course, is just a novelty - To clean this pistol, you'll need sunlight liquid, an old toothbrush and a coarse cloth. If you really want to clean your pistol a bit more professionally, then perhaps look at the following;
The frame is all-polymer, featuring a really GLOCK 19-esque height and length to this pistol - really the modern firearm dimensions ideal for self-defence and intervention / first response / counter-terrorism at up to 30 meters.
Under the barrel, we have a four slot Picatinny rail for mounting target acquisition assists on.
The handle is particularly nice and unique on this pistol - you have finely stippled coarse panels on both sides, likewise front and rear. The backstrap slopes outward as well, to accomodate for larger shooter hands. There is an ambidextrous set of finger rests, respectively for your thumb and index, which does improive ergonomy. Above these, are ramp stops covering the slide catch levers.. Yes 'levers', to prevent you from accidentally pushing them up during firing and creating a false empty magazine report. In terms of 'levers' - this pistol caters for the lefties, by having made the slide catch ambidextrous. Really nice. We believe the triangular magazine release can be removed and then reset for left handed shooters.
This pistol features slanted, though broad, cocking serration both front and rear. The latter would be for normally racking the slide, whilst the latter, in tandem w/ the semi-catch position, can allow for one to physcially 'check' if there is brass in battery, w/out risking extracting said cartridge. This is really a nice touch and certainly unique on most all blank guns we've seen and tested ourselves thusfar.
This pistol moreover, has a 'cocking indicator' in the form of a red dot that becomes apparent, through a cut-out, right under the striker slot on the slide, which indicates that the internal hammer (this is a pseudo striker fired gun afterall) is engaged and ready. This will behave in concert w/ the trigger, which, will shift from its double action position, to the single action position. The first thing you might notice as you take up the slack on the trigger, is the trigger reset position that you'll pass. Make a note of this, as this is the position that the trigger needs to return to, in order to re-engage the sear.
Also here at the rear, there is a grub screw inset, 2.5mm, which toggles the claw inset of the extractor. Toggling this should help with cartridges that expand more after detonation, and need extra encouragement to come out. We normally urge the average user not to toggle this - Normal cycling issues can be resolved by polishing / buffing out the breech and the upramp thereto. If the cartridge is not budging from the magazine, but you can hand-load / extract your cartridges just fine, then you might need to broaden the magazine sheet metal around the topmost loaded cartridge out a little, to apply less retention on the cartridgge.
The barrel blockler is a bit more obscure - a protruding pin similar to those typical on the BLOW series of pistols, surrounded by another cylindrical inset, which presumably, enables the blowback feature of the pistol.
Hereunder, are some recommended add-ons;
Here's our in-house video review on this pistol. See the video description 👇 on YouTube for the other items featured. (Please don't forget to subscribe either 😉)